In this little dick role play, I am asked a question and embark on a soliloquy that quite embarrasses and excites the caller. With any role play script, The key is how it is read. For this role play. I would deliver a slow, teasing read, sometimes with empathy, and other times amusement! I have written on how to do a role play, and this is one example I gave! Enjoy!

The Role Play Set up

Small Penis Honesty? Yes!

Small Penis Honesty? Yes!

[Caller] Hi Delia. Say, I was wondering, as a friend of mine, could you give me your opinion about something that’s near and dear to me?

[Delia] Sure, what’s up?

[Caller] Funny you should ask: it’s my penis. I would love your honest, honest opinion about my . . . size.

[Delia] If it’s honesty you want, it’s honesty you’ll get!  OK, let’s see exactly what you’re sporting down there! Pull down those boxers and start your engine, please. OK, manipulate yourself to maximum tumescence! C’mon . . . about 10 strokes should do it. Just stop when you are at full staff. Oh, um, well, let’s try 20, no, try 50 strokes.

Ready? Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see… Hmmm. OUCH!! . . . . um, yes . . . . well . . . . oooooh boy, and I mean BOY! Let me just catch my breath here. [Pause] [Then I audibly clear my throat.]

Well . .. . it’s . . . . . adorable! Awwwww . . . .it’s so, so very cute! And, um, well, er, amusing, though I suppose the um, COMEDIC value would depend on which side of this “dicklet” you’re on. If you are a horny woman, desperately desiring doing the nasty to top off the night, staring at that little one-eyed snake would be quite disappointing! If you’re attached to the thing at its base (namely, if you’re YOU!), it must be frustrating. And it’s . . . well, incurable! Damn! What a predicament. How do you cope with such a small penis?

The Role Play Humiliation Continues

On the other hand, it kinda funny, right? Actually, hilarious being penis challenged to the degree you are. I mean you concede that you are small, quite small. But so what? What’s the big deal? [Hand to the corner of  mouth, as if to talking to someone else and in a stage whisper] Though that seems the problem! [Back to regular volume] You swing a small bat. Some men have big bats, some have thick bats, some have big, thick bats; you just happen to have a small, pencil-girthed shillelagh. [Hardy laughs] Haaaaaaah, haaaaaaah!

When this Role Play continues, Ms. Delia turns serious about the small penis! Stay tuned for the next segment in 2 days!