Music Can Be Kinky
I wrote a post a while back about how Mr. Brightsides by The Killers seemed to me to be a whole song about cuckolding. Well, I have a kinky mind – did any of you doubt that? – and as I listen to songs, I wonder about what the real meaning is. So the other day, I was listening to Moves Like Jagger and you know what? I think it’s a song about cock control!
Or Just Female Dominance in General
Have you really listened to the words? Think about it….
Take me away, and make it okay
I swear I’ll behave
Isn’t that all what you’re asking for when you call for a hot dominating phone sex session? You want Ms. Delia to take you away from the real world and tell you your fantasies, your kink and your feelings are okay. And you swear you’ll behave for me – although it’s quite a bit of fun when you don’t, isn’t it?
You wanted control
So we waited
I put on a show
Oh, you know I want control – control of your mind, your body, and mostly – your cock! And that’s why you have to wait. Wait to touch it, wait to stroke. Oh, and the edges! What a show you put on for me – especially if it’s on cam! I love watching the show you put on for me!
Take me by the tongue
And I’ll know you
Oh, you can be guaranteed you’ll know me…in the most intimate way possible while I sit on your face and make you pleasure me as much as I want!
Maybe it’s hard
Maybe? Maybe? Oh, honey, you know it was hard before you ever picked up the phone. Hard and throbbing and just waiting for release. Release I may never give you…or I might just ruin!
You wanna know how to make me smile
Take control, own me just for the night
And if I share my secret
You gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this
So watch and learn
I won’t show you twice
Head to toe, ooh baby, rub me right
But if I share my secret
You gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this
Yes, I know Christina sings this, but really, it’s all about you, isn’t it? You want me to take control – and you know it’s for more than just one night, because once I’ve taken control, I own you forever. And you will tell me all your secrets – your deepest fantasies and desires. And, just like I lock up your cock, I’ll lock those secrets away and only we will share them.
And of course, there’s this:
I don’t need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I’ll own you
What do I really need to do? You know as soon as you clicked on my site, saw my picture and looked deep into my eyes – I didn’t have to do anything more.
One Last Thing
But the whole “moves like Jagger” stuff? Really, if you fuck like Jagger moves – all jerky – you won’t be showing me your moves. I like nice fluid strokes!
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