Feminine Desires

Do you have feminine desires that you are dying to share? Those secret desires to be feminine can be overwhelming! The desire to wear soft, sensual, and pretty things can drive you mad. You need to give in and embrace your feminine self.

There are lots of things you can do to start moving toward your feminine self.

  1. Hair Removal – NOTHING feels like soft skin brushing against soft clothes. NOTHING!
  2. Make Up – Even if this is only a secret lip balm and a BB cream, you will look and feel better!
  3. Body Products – Try non male body washes, deodorants, and lotions. You will smell clean and pretty and your smooth skin will be soft too!
  4. Buy Panties – Buy panties for the first time! You can. Now these can be simple flyless microfiber men’s sport underwear, and then graduating to women’s buy shorts. Let the first layer of clothing next to your skin be feminine.
  5. Something Unique – Maybe a bracelet inscribed inside with a phrase that would empower you. Pink Post it notes can make you smile. Or get a women’s magazine subscription. Treat yourself.

Watch this feminizing video for inspiration!

Be feminine. Allow yourself to feel soft and demure. Embrace your girlie self. Surrender to every one of your feminine desires. Be to woman you aspire to be! Mistress Delia ia always here to help.

This amazing video was created by Mistress Olivia. She and I offer feminizaton programs together, so just ask about that!

Also check out my femfabulous.com blog for all things feminine and fabulous!