Chastity Rules Shouldn’t Come From The Internet

The internet has certainly made BDSM and things like chastity play more accessible.  No longer do you have to check out advice columns in sketchy magazines you picked up from the Adult Bookstore, or just rely on luckily finding a cocktease who shares your kink.  With that increase in information can come some folks who think their way is the only way.  Recently, I came across this post by a key holding wife that laid out the rules for chastity.  Some are good, some I just can’t agree with.

Orgasm Denial

Her first rule was that denial of orgasm should be used as punishment, fulfillment of orgasm as a reward.  Well, I think orgasm denial can be used as just standard practice – Jack never gets to cum without being edged and denied for a good long while – just as much as it can be used for punishment.  And really, if you’re in chastity is denial really a punishment?  You’re serving me, showing your devotion, and pleasing your Mistress by keeping that cum in your balls.  Oh, but don’t think orgasm can’t be used as a punishment.  Ever been coerced to orgasm after orgasm, with lots of post orgasm torment in between?  Tell me that isn’t worse than being denied!


The second rule I can’t really disagree with.  The husband should never under any circumstances masturbate unless instructed to do so by his Wife.  There’s really no argument here.  You’ve given me control of your cock, so I get to decide when it’s played with, teased and tormented.  I’m enforcing that by locking it up in a chastity cage.  How, exactly, are you going to masturbate with a cage on?

There are a few more rules, so check back in the next post.