Submissives Must Confess

For a Femdom to properly get inside your head and find out all those kinky, dark dirty secrets, I have to get you to tell your secrets!  Sometimes, I like to play the Femdom Confessional game. I require my slave to give me extra details whenever he’s answering a question. It can be very useful, because he has to actively think about what other secrets he can divulge. I like to use it so he keeps me aware of the things he’s thinking about.

Ideas for Normal Scenes

This is just what goes on between Jack and Me.  While I might play this game with callers, with Jack it’s a standing rule.  What do I make him confess?

  • He must tell me when he’s horny. With that slut, that’s pretty much all the time!  And, I do know he’s horny, but it’s nice to have him tell me that I’m having that effect on him.
  • He must go into detail about what he wants sexually and why. I have my ideas of what I want to do in a scene, but having a sub tell you what they want done to them is useful.  I can use it as a reward – doing what’s got him all hot and bothered – or not do it at all and either reinforce my dominance or use it as a punishment.
  • Whenever he’s asked a question, he has to answer it, and then say “Also…” or “Because….” and add more details. Very difficult for some Submissives.  Jack for example is very…I’d call it linear…in his thinking.  Straight line, a – to – b – to -– c.  Having him add more details, like “I want you to peg me because I need to feel used” lets me get in his head
  • He must try to help me come up with more effective punishments, more humiliating tasks, and tell me how he might try to get out of obeying me. Coming up with punishments and humiliating tasks lets me know what he doesn’t like, and how his kink interests might be changing.

When a Slave’s Been Bad

I am good at reading people, but I’m not a mind reader and, especially if you’re a new phone sex caller. There’s no way to know if you’re holding something back.  Maybe you really do want to suck cock, but it’s not something you tell me right away.  Confess to it later, and I might have to rely on punishments for you not telling me something.

Punishment Ideas

I have some interesting ways to punish you for not telling me your secrets.

  • I will have you write out several punishments and rank them according to desirability. Then I will pick one or more for you to carry out.
  • Maybe I will have you tell me you the most humiliating punishment you can think of. I’ll warn you that if you disobey again, you’ll have to go through with it.
  • Since you won’t tell me your secrets, perhaps we’ll just take away your right to speak for a while, with a ball gag or tape.
  • Tell you to apologize. I think this is the worst, because not only will you apologize, but the rules of “Also…” apply here as well. I don’t want to just hear “I’m sorry”, I want to know why you did it, why you thought I wouldn’t find out, and why you hid that secret from me.  Oh, and then you’ll need to recommend a good physical punishment or humiliation for me to employ!