7 Kinds of Ruined Orgasms

I have always been a great fan of ruined orgasms. In searching to find more ways to deprive men of orgasms, and also enhance the masturbation experience overall, I have come up with explanations for 7 kinds of ruined orgasms. At the end of these descriptions, I will offer a challenge to be endured for me!

Delia Ruined Orgasms 800 601 6975Ruined Orgasm Porn

I became curious about ruined orgasm methods when I watched Femdom porn videos. There is something to be said for free porn, right? I would watch these sexy movies and video clips and see a Femdom edging her slave male with these amazing handjobs. Think about it! Those big hard cocks, deprived of sex, of pleasure! My kind of porn video for sure! The Mistress was all about the control, as a Femdom is! She talked about denial and ruining her slave over and over. Some of these videos dealt with chastity and milking also. I became curious! So I learned all the kinds of ruined orgasms.

Abandoned Ruined Orgasms

Abandoned ruined orgasms are, in my opinion, the easiest way to ruin your orgasm. To abandon, you need to get right to the edge, to the brink, or point of no return. At that point, STOP and just let go and remove any and all stimulation. My favorite part is when the frustrated cock twitches, spasms, jerks and drips as the orgasm is ruined and stays totally unsatisfying.

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A squelched ruined orgasm happens because of squeezing. When you are close to cumming, say right at that point. No more stroking or stimulation. Instead, you will grip the base of the shaft, and squeeze very tight. I mean seriously tightly! The goal here is to not allow any cum to spurt out. You may see some light oozing from the tip of your cock. This could be precum or orgasmic fluids. When you squeeze the base of the shaft, you are working to stop the ability for the cum to get into that shaft. You are trapping it. You may feel a little pressure or light pain from the cum trying to escape.


Scrunched ruined orgasms are almost orgasms, but not quite. When you reach the edge of the edge, that orgasm point, you will stop stimulation and stroking. For this technique to work, you need to take the head of Delia Ruined Orgasms 800 601 6975your cock, and even the upper half of your cock, and squeeze it HARD! Yes, scrunch it! This will stop any ejaculate from escaping the head of your cock. It can not flow freely. The goal here is to hold that upper portion of the cock hard for a while, at least until the orgasmic feeling passes. If you do this successfully, your orgasm will not be complete, but it may very well be awkward, unsatisfying, and uncomfortable.

Dictated (Also called Thumbing)

A dictated ruined orgasm or thumbed ruined orgasm involved placing the tip of a thumb (thumbing) or a finger of the hand not in use over the hole in the tip of the cock. The goal is to really block the hole quite tightly so no fluid can escape. It instead stays totally trapped in the shaft!  There is a harder difficulty level with this ruined orgasm technique. Generally when a man orgasms, he moves around. When this close to an orgasm, he may find that he moves and your thumb or finger slips! Palming may be better. This type of ruined orgasm is not my favorite.

Palmed or Cupped Ruined Orgasms

Delia Ruined Orgasms 800 601 6975A palmed or cupped ruined orgasm is similar to thumbed or dictated. If you have a large cock, this technique may be better for you! If you try thumbing, and it does not work, give palming a try! What happens is you get to that delicious point of no return. You must, of course, stop any stimulation and immediately use your palm of your hand cupped over the head of the cock. It is important to hold it down tightly! One trick with this type of ruined orgasm is to use this with squelching so the cum is blocked two ways!

Recycled Ruined Orgasms

A recycled ruined orgasm intentionally produces pre-cum and uses it for more lubrication. I personally love doing this with teasing and delay! So what do you do? Work your cock right to the edge, that 9.5 out of 10. Let the precum ooze out. You can take this fluid, and use it to lubricate you for more and more stroking for me! I have seen men do this recycling so much that after a while, they can actually have a completely dry orgasm. So try this!  One thing to note. If you do lots of recycling, it can cause a slight burning sensation. This will go away with more stroking. This sensation can happen a few times before you are fully dry.

Thwacked Ruined Orgasms

Thwacked ruined orgasms take some courage to do! I think of this technique as a bit of CBT. As you get to that point of no return, you stop stroking and stimulation. When those strong throbbing edge feelings happen, Delia Ruined Orgasms 800 601 6975you slap the underside of your cock. This is not a gentle smack. It is a more intense stinging smack. This is why I did say CBT! If you do this correctly the slap will cause the cock to enter a sort of self-defense mode and shut down your release. So slap hard and fast, and see how the cock changes.

A Ruined Orgasm Challenge

For this ruined orgasm challenge, I want you to take a day and practice each of these techniques. I want you to try your very best, your hardest. Yes, I know you will be teased, denied, delayed and probably very frustrated! That is ok. I will even sweeten the deal. Watch your favorite porn videos, video clips, and movies while you are stroking. Add to the denial! Please your Mistress by completing this challenge, then write to me about it! Tell Ms.Delia about your orgasm denial fetish and how ruined orgasms add to it!