Use Cock Friction to Heat that Orgasm!

Hot Masturbation

Hot Masturbation

Friction on your cock can really heat things up. Were you ever a scout?  I’ll bet some of you sissies really wanted to be Sunflower Girls, didn’t you?  Well, scouts or sissies, I’ll bet they taught you how to make a fire out on the woods with just a couple of sticks.  How about we use the same techniques and see if we can start a fire in that hard cock of yours?

Rub, Rub, Rub!

Take both your hands and rub your cock in between the palms of your hand, rubbing it back and forth like your twisting and spinning a branch to make a fire.  You’ll probably need a good amount of lube – you don’t really want to start a fire with that cock, do you?  I probably would stay away from using cornstarch as lube – all that dust flying around in the air could spontaneously combust!

Some Hot Variations

One of the things you might want to try is to do this before you’re completely erect  -as if any of you stroker sluts are the least bit soft by the time you take your cock out, knowing that MS. Delia is going to guide your masturbation!  If however, you can keep your excitement under, you’ll be able to roll the glans of your penis – that sensitive underside to the head – in between your hands as your cock starts to grow.  Combine the firestarter method with the hot squeezing we practiced last week for an explosive finale!