Ever want to star in your own photo shoot? Well, lil kev, one who you may know who gives great ideas for small penis blogs, suggested I pose in certain ways for the little photo stories. He even sent links of the shots that I could take myself to show the EXACT facial expressions! Enjoy this  2 part collaboration!

Time now, my dear subject, for you to reveal what counts and what all women want to know about you.  DROP those shorts, baby…HOLY FREAK OUT!! WELL, AREN’T YOU A PEACH!!  I mean you definitely got shortchanged.  Ooooouch!!  Jeez.

Did ya FORGET to forewarn me about your smallness??  Just a . . . little . . .  oversight, huh sport? A little advance warning might have been in order, don’t cha think there . . . “small fry” . . . “guy of little dick”?

I mean, how ’bout something like, “Right, like, um, Delia, ya see I probably, it appears that, well . . . I got a tiny tool.”

Come to think of it, this is actually WONDERFUL: how many camerawomen get this . . . . . . what’s the word . . . opportunity?  Most dick-challenged men would be level-headed enough to be a bit more. . . shall we say, guarded, circumspect, or INTELLIGENT!!!  Oh well, too late: I’ve captured you . . . and yours . . . on film.  No undoing that “Mr. Dinky.”   So, c’mon now bucko, WORK it, WORK it good, WORK it for me, baby.  Strike a naughty pose for the camera, pretty boy.  Hey, I got an idea, how ’bout a fap party?  A LITTLE fap party, right BUDDY?  You’re “My LITTLE Buddy.”  This photo spread was a great idea of yours . . . . though I have to admit, I am confused about why you’re doing this.  Ah, who cares?  Now, back to work.  Say, “cheeeeeeeeese” for me sweetie.  Where do you want me to send your final proofs?  To your work address?  No, honeykins?  Awww, don’t worry, you can trust me.  Can’t you?  Actually, you kinda have no control over the situation, kind of a mess for you now, isn’t it, my pumpy-umpy-lumkins?


Yeaaaaah, these proofs show it all.  Clear, crisp.  I got about two dozen great ones of you.  You in THE ALTOGETHER.  Yaaay!!  Thanks for your free and easy, candid show.  I mean, letting it ALL HANG OUT and working yourself into a frenzy like that, especially considering that there’s not a great deal of “ALL” to hang out.  You were so vulnerable, I mean not every guy . . . how can I put this . . . in your “situation” . . .  would be so uninhibited, leaving nothing to the imagination.  After all, the guys I’ve shot so far have been, how should I describe it?  They were, like . . . BIG MALES . . . WHALES . . . roughly porn-star size . . . they have nothing to be embarrassed about.  Plus, even they were discrete: cleverly covering up with their hand, blocking the camera with their knee or an object.  You know, teasing the camera . . . leaving something to the feminine imagination.  You, on the other hand . . . well . . . let’s just say I admire your . . . daring.  Quite bold of you.  You might turn out to be the star of this charity calendar . . . we’ll splash you on the front but cover what’s between your legs with a modesty wrapper: that will keep the girls at the office guessing.  They’ll surely pay full price to see what you got.  What?  Second thoughts?  Oh, no, no, no, don’t worry, this is for a good cause: it’s for charity.

You’ll donate how much for the negatives?  Well, maybe if you at least triple that we can START talking, honey.  You’re in a pickle, a real predicament, aren’t you?  Or should I say, you’re in a “gherkin,” in a “little-DICK-a-ment.”  Now, how much are you willing to pay for the negatives, you LITTLE show-off?


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!  Greeeeat job!  You are a wonderful subject.  So pliable and into it; a perfect nude.  Good that my camera has a strong telephoto.  After all, I needed a powerful one to fill the frame with what you got down there.  Awwww, I’m just having a little fun at your expense!  I’m sorry.  Don’t be so preoccupied with size.  Thumbs up baby!  So what if you’re sporting a thumb down there instead of a dick, and a small thumb at that!!

Come back for the finale of the photo story. A picture REALLY is worth 1000 words!