Locktober 2020

We have not been able to control much this crazy year, but I can control your cock! In fact, this year I want total control over it. Why? Well, I say this often so I will say it again, “You do NOT need to cum…ever!” There is science to back this up. Science is sexy, of course. But more so I love the sexy reports of aching and blue balls. There is nothing quite like that. And that is why I LOVE Locktober! It is my favorite month for many reasons.

My Anniversary Month

This is my anniversary month, so I will be enjoying some fun and giving away a chastity mantra audio to one special person who emails me their chastity plan this month. My goal is to help you enjoy chastity more and more.

Locktober Plans for you

Because of this, I created EASY Locktober plans for you! I want you to be chaste each day for 1 hour more than the day before. So on the 1st one hour. On the 5th 5 hours. And just refer to the date. That number is the hours you will stay chaste with no orgasms. This is the basic bare-minimum plan! Why? I want you to commit to challenging yourself. I want you to develop a new relationship with your cock.

Locktober Store Assignment

If you want so much more than the bare minimum and really want a challenge, head now to A NEW chastity assignment at the PhoneSex Audios Store where Ms. Ruby and I have created a 1 month of chastity program for you! It is audio heavy but also comes with much more including 31 task cards, so you always have something to do! While this assignment can be used ANY month, it is HIGHLY discounted for Locktober. So go check it out.

Help! I WANT a Chastity Cage!

Never Fear! Ms. Delia has you covered. If you have been checking out my Twitter Feed, you may see lots of chastity pictures with me tagged. I have partnered with Oxy Shop to bring affordable metal cages to the masses. Check them out here!

Enjoy Locktober with Ms. Delia!